Interview with Diana Rowell: Contest Runner-Up
Recently, we ran a contest on Facebook to hear firsthand stories from distressed women who were tired of dealing with menopause symptoms and tried LadyCare. This is the story of one of the runners-up, Diana.
At age 50, Diana had a medically necessary hysterectomy which set menopause in motion for her.
A happy-go-lucky girl who loved life and had always considered herself to be quite cheerful suddenly found herself uncomfortable in her own skin with an indescribable sense of dread that shadowed every thought. “It made me dysfunctional. I did not have the energy to get up and be as active as I had been prior, and that was alarming to me.”
Tried the Hormone Replacement Therapy Route
Diana had undergone hormone replacement therapy at the onset of menopause, but had been taken off of it after six years at which point her symptoms drastically worsened. She was searching for a natural menopause treatment to help her feel like herself again.
She became unable to get a good night’s sleep due to night sweats, which affected her ability to function throughout the day. She had very little energy, was constantly sleepy and was unable to to be productive compared to her pre-menopausal self.
The hot flashes were debilitating – so intense that her glasses would fog up and she would have sweat dripping down her face as if someone had poured a jug of water over her head. She’d be bright red in the face and have to lean on furniture to keep from fainting. But that wasn’t even the worst part.
The scariest thing for Diana was that sense of dread. As she described it, “The sense of doom really undermined my motivation and my enthusiasm. It caused me to have emotional and mental concerns because I didn’t know where that was coming from.”
What a lot of women don’t realize is the heavy emotional effects that menopause can wreak on one. In fact, it took Diana some time to realize that the sense of dread might be coming from menopause or the estrogen she had been taking. She eventually began researching this phenomenon online, which is what led her to the LadyCare therapeutic device.
She immediately ordered LadyCare and found that once she began using it, her sense of doom dissipated almost immediately.
“I’ll be honest with you,” she said, “it could have just done that and not affected my hot flashes at all and that would have been enough. But the fact that it helped my hot flashes too? I’m just tickled. I think every woman in menopause should just buy one. Don’t even think about it – just get it – it will help you.”

6 Months into it
In fact, Diana says that in the six months she’s been using LadyCare, she’s noticed significant improvement in every single menopause symptom she was suffering from including hair loss, dry skin, hot flashes and night sweats as well as the emotional effects.
She went on to say that she felt cautious when she first found LadyCare, “because what works well for some people may not work for me and vice versa… I experienced a couple of differences within a couple of weeks, so I think it’s fabulous. I would tell anybody who’s having any type of issue with menopause, it doesn’t matter if you think it would work or not, I think it’s well worth the try. I think most women stand a great chance of it working well for them.”
9 Weeks into it
LadyCare has been reported to help in more than 70% of women. How quickly LadyCare did work for Diana? “When I got LadyCare, the hot flashes were cut in half two to three weeks into it. And the sense of doom went away within three days. About nine weeks into it, the hot flashes cut in half again. I experienced relief immediately, and then again at nine weeks, and it’s kept [the symptoms] at bay since.”
Diana says she’s recommended LadyCare to anyone she has met who is suffering from menopause symptoms and wants to find a natural menopause treatment. She says each of the four or five women she has recommended LadyCare to have purchased it without hesitation and that each has called to thank her for the advice. “One gal has called me three times to thank me, she’s had such good response from this product,” Diana added. “She even took me out to lunch to thank me, she said, ‘You saved me!’ I said, ‘No, honey, this product saved you.’ I tell my friends, ‘It may or may not work for you, but it’s worth finding out!’”
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